Home Services Sandtray Therapy

Sandtray Therapy

Sand tray therapy is a form counseling approach that can be used with children, teenagers and adults. It is a creative technique that is an expressive type of therapy. During the session, miniature objects and sand are used together to create a scene in the sand. It can be helpful in the areas of depression, anxiety, grief/loss and trauma/PTSD.

Materials used in a sand tray session include a collection of miniature objects which can include:
  • Human and fantasy figures
  • Animals
  • Vegetation
  • Buildings
  • Nature
  • Vehicles
  • Fences and signs
  • Spiritual objects
  • Landscape objects
  • Household items

Signs You May Need Help

  • You are unsure how to deal with emotions related to anger, depression, or  anxiety
  • You have difficulty getting along with others
  • You are looking to make significant changes in your life
  • You have feelings of inadequacy toward yourself


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